We believe the 21st-century manufacturer has more responsibility than ever before. Sourcing and purchasing custom components may not be the most glamorous part of any purchasing job, and may cause major stress when dealing with dozens if not hundreds of suppliers.

At Challenger, we recognize that however small these parts may be, not having them when you need them can stall manufacturing and cause production downtime. Our Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) program has reduced production downtime and reduced total procurement cost for customers all over the globe. Our goal is to take care of all component needs so that our customers can focus on resources and time on core competencies.

We are Challenger, the reliable source for your custom components.

Our Manifesto

Challenger aims to become the leading provider of custom component solutions for manufacturers. Utilizing our global supply base, Challenger is equipped to source and manage all aspects of our customer’s component needs.

With a combined experience of over 130 years serving the needs of manufacturers across a broad range of industries, our Challenger team works collaboratively with purchasing, materials, and supply chain managers to provide first-rate solutions.

We believe Challenger exudes the “can do” spirit. Our hard-working, efficient and diligent managers at Challenger are ready to create solutions that fit specific goals and objectives for our customers.